Windows 7 boot problems after Win 8


Sep 22, 2013
After I realized that Win 8 doesn't work very good on my pc I decided to switch back to Win 7.And so the story begins. I know that you can't boot previous Win versions because of the UEFI but I could boot Windows Vista after the original disk and even Win XP after some old back-up disks, all except win 7.I tried with at least 3 versions of win 7 and even with the backup disks of my pc since it came with Win 7 home premium. Nothing related to Win 7 seam to work.
I saw that I need to disable UEFI and enable Legacy Boot. The problem is that when I enter the options thingy in Win 8 I have all the options except UEFI firmware settings. I looked into BIOS and I have an UEFI boot setting and I disabled it but I don't have any option in bios for legacy boot, in fact I have a lack of options in Bios. I tried every possible thing that I could think of. I tried updating downgrading my bios options hoping that I get more options , for short , I tried anything I could think off from software to settings, everything except an original Win7 disk that I don't have. Any ideas?