[citation][nom]Kill@dor[/nom]Definatly knew this was coming... I mean the hackers already have all the builds of windows and that could go either way (good or bad). People are getting their information stolen from their personal folders/files...i.e. my sisters accounts were just robbed 4 days ago. The bank did a refund but still its not fun to deal with. MS really needs to step it up on security. I understand that some hackers do provide higher marketing/money in their pockets to some degree, but for the cost of peoples privacy? And then expect people to buy antivirus software that hackers already bypass?[/citation]
It's your own damn fault if your information is stolen, as you do 2 stupid things Microsoft does not condone.
1) You're using beta software as a fulltime OS, when it's meant for testing purposes
And here's the big one
2) You're using a version off of a torrent site. Which anyone can upload, and because a rootkit can be installed previously, unless you know what you're looking for, no antivirus is going detect that.
It's not Microsofts fault you made mistakes they don't condone.