Windows 7 can't install on P6T



Greetings all. I have a P6T V2 and am trying to install Windows 7 on a newly built computer. Can't get the computer to recognize the DVD.

I downloaded the file from the Microsoft website. Burned it to a disk and tried it. No work.

I realized I may have erred and not unzipped it. Did some more research and unzipped it. Now I can see autorun etc. No work.

I tried entering the BIOS and changing around the boot order. No work...

I tried copying the files with the autorun file to a compact flash card and making the external as the boot. No work...

I must be doing something simply wrong. Any ideas?

It has to be a bootable DVD.

You need to use the .iso image in a program that will create that for you. I believe Technet explains this in some detail:

"The RC download is an ISO file, which you'll need to burn onto a blank disc before you can install it. To do that, you'll need to use software designed for burning ISO files.

In addition to commercial ISO burning software, there are free programs such as ISOBuster and Active ISO Burner. To find one, go to a site such as or Tucows and search for "ISO," "DVD," and "burn".

Follow the instructions that came with your program to create a Windows 7 RC installation disc."