Windows 7 freezing


Apr 26, 2011
I am having a problem with my windows 7 starting up. at first i was having problems with it freezing randomly. now when I startup it freezes on the welcome screen and the little spinning thing isnt moving either. works in safe mode, have tried a clean startup and have changed the settings of my ram in bios to what they should be. also when i try system restore i run into an unspecified error.
system specs..
i5 2400
500w psu
asus P8P67-Mpro motherboard
4gb ocz 1600mhz ram (8-8-8-24)
wd 1 tb hd
evga gtx460oc
Random freezing is often hdd related.
I'd run sfc/scannow in safemode and WDC diagnostics to rule out the hdd.
After that i'd run Memtest86+ one stick at a time.
Haven't used system restore since XP days..
Quite useless if you have a virus lurking.
Look into event viewer for possible causes..
It sounds like a Driver is failing at some level. If you have moved hardware in or out or done a lot of Driver Updates it is possible that Win 7 is not relating well to its drivers. Try a System Restore or look at a clean reinstall.
ok, I managed to restore the computer but after awhile it went back to its random freezing thing.
it will just freeze up randomly and will have to restart.
I also found another potential fix on the internet to update to a new bios which didnt help..
anyone have any ideas?
Random freezing is often hdd related.
I'd run sfc/scannow in safemode and WDC diagnostics to rule out the hdd.
After that i'd run Memtest86+ one stick at a time.
Haven't used system restore since XP days..
Quite useless if you have a virus lurking.
Look into event viewer for possible causes..
I am trying a clean reinstall, if that doesn't work then I will try one of your methods above.
ok this is beyond a joke, just did a clean reinstall and when i installed latest graphics drivers and restarted, the screen loses input as soon as i type my login password...
I ran sfc/scannow and there was no problems,
I am running memtest86+ now. is it supposed to take ages? because it seems to not have changed in a while...
ok memtest turned out fine.
and now i think they arent random freezes as they mostly happen if i try to run a video or a game.
could this mean that I have a faulty graphics card or something?
It seemed to be ok for a little bit. then heaps of bsod's
ran memtest again and suddenly 1000's of errors on first pass...
does this mean i need to replace ram? or possibly mother board damage slots?

That means you need to rma your ram kit.🙁