Windows 7 games

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Aug 10, 2009
Hey guys if i upgrade to Windows 7 from windows xp, would the games that are compatible for xp (COD fsx, wow, etc) work on windows 7?

thanks! :wahoo:
the in ory

it all depends on the game, and esp if you are moving to 64 bit, some games like FEAR 2 on 64 bit has minor issues, other can't even play at all at all (my old dos 16 bit game transport tycoon for example...) and needs other things like dosbox emulation.
I am using Windows 7 (RTM Build 7600 from MSDN).... I am having trouble starting a new game in Fallout 3 (any version).... anyone have any ideas or heard of others with this issue...?

i read the post with the compatibility page for Win7 games but mine isnt working... guess i will have to try and reinstall or something... all my other games run just fine... 🙁
Well, I can say that W7 work better that Vista, I was trying to play on VISTA Prototype, XMEN and COD and I wasn't able to play this game were running really slow. Just upgrade to W7 2 days ago and no problems with all 3 games they are running very good hope this will help you decide if you want to move up to W7.

Good Luck M8

I managed to get it working under Vista 64 but omg it runs too fast... or im just getting old lol

So it runs correctly under Windows 7 ? (looks like I have something to look forward too)

UT that is if your wondering wich game :) I have it and the map packs that came on CD's with some magazines :)
I was no able to play Crysis on Windows Vista last nite i did install Crysis on W7 and walaaaaa it was running really good.. dont know what was wrong w/my W/Vista but it seem like W7 its working real good.. Only problem that I have w/W7 is that mozilla is not running good I read on an article that M$ is trying to control the market again its just time for some fox to get everything right.

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