Windows 7 Hard Disk shutdown after 20min


Jun 10, 2015
I own a laptop and while I was messing around with my power settings I noticed by default Windows 7 allows the hard disk to shutoff after 20 inactive minutes. Is this dangerous? Can any damage be done? Will this shutdown my laptop?


I have it set to 'Never' instead of 20min. Would having it shutdown be a good idea if I wanted to move my laptop to another room? I ask this because if I were to give me laptop a good bump while the hard drive was on, the needle could inflict damage on the hard drives spinning platters.
Yep to be safe, shut it down before moving it to another location.

That setting shoudn't corrupt anything, as long as it puts the computer to sleep, or shuts it down correctly.

A bit off topic but do you think this 20min shutdown is the reason my laptop sometimes doesn't wake up after I open the lid? When my laptop is asleep, while unplugged from charger, I open up the lid to wake it up and I can hear my hard disk make an effort to wake up but instead the entire laptop shuts down. The weird thing is, this doesn't happen when I have my laptop connected to it's charger.
It's possibly your "lid close action" this can be found once you expand the power buttons and lid option. Compare the two for on battery and plugged in. I'm pretty sure that plugged in it will say do nothing and on battery it will say sleep

I assumed the same thing. Didn't make a difference sadly.
One thing I suggest is changing every setting from "on battery" to the same as "plugged in". If it still completely shuts down "on battery" when the lid is closed it could be a preventative measure so that the battery doesn't die when it is in sleep mode (that itself could corrupt a hard drive, but I wouldn't worry about it too much)

Yeah i'll fiddle with the settings. Thanks for answering my questions and providing suggestions!