My dad not too long ago gave me his work laptop. It had windows 7 professional installed and a bunch of other network users. These users were connected to a domain, and i decided to delete all of them because I was an administrator so I just left my account. Next day comes, I realized my user was apart of a domain so I changed it to a workgroup. AND just about the time I did that I was going to change my password, but of course windows automatically restarts to update. Now, I can't login to my account when it restarts .... I tried to get hiren's Boot CD to add a user but I get the blue screen of death when I launch mini xp. I tried OPH crack to crack the password, but it didn't recognize that there were any users on the computer! I have files that the restore DVD will delete so that's not an option. I tried to run CMD on the install disk to unlock the built-in adminstrator I typed "C:" then I typed "net user adminstrator/active:yes" but it said that there was no user named "adminstrator." GAHHHHHH
I need help I need to just get a regular local admin on my computer!
I need help I need to just get a regular local admin on my computer!