@USAFRet I was thinking about intel atm. I do not intend to overclock anything. I perfer 1080p gameplay with good fps. I also play old roms the ones i got on cd. I am kind hold off to see what video cards come out and amd cpu. Back in the day I was amd until intel got better. I have a I guess its a full tower atx case, and a 600 watt thermatake psu and a 8800gt alpha dog edition on my intel core duo 2.4. I could use my video card until i got the money to get a better card. If i got the intel i probly go with windows 10 maybe or windows 7.
Here is my Intel build
Intel I5-6500 ??
DDR4 2400 16 gb
Not sure on mb atm
Not sure on video card by nvidia
WD black 1-2 tb hdd since it has a 5 year warrenty
AMD fx 6360 or fx 8370
ddr3 1800
Video card, mb, unsure
Games I play would be like beyond earth, Batman, Fallout 4, Dark souls 3, doom,Master of orion base games.