Windows 7 install unto another computer


Jan 18, 2016
Fist I must say i am not tring to steal or pirate anything but I do need help. If I were to say build another computer to game on around 500 dollars could I take the windows 7 home located on my acer and have it installed on another computer. If I cannot do this which version of windows 7 do i get. I have read bad storys about windows 10 and it not being able to run games in xp mode.
Ok thx usafret. Also How hard would it be to install the OS and then how hard would it be to update all the software like mb bios. I was never taught this when I worked in a computer shop. I know How to install things and thats about it and know to ground myself before touching anything.


1. You need to purchase a valid OS from a valid retailer. ~$80-$100, no matter which version. 7/8.1/10.
2. You need to build the actual PC. What parts is this going to be?
3. Win 10 is not as bad as you have 'heard'.

Installing an OS is relatively easy.

So...starting from the beginning, let's design and build a PC.
@USAFRet I was thinking about intel atm. I do not intend to overclock anything. I perfer 1080p gameplay with good fps. I also play old roms the ones i got on cd. I am kind hold off to see what video cards come out and amd cpu. Back in the day I was amd until intel got better. I have a I guess its a full tower atx case, and a 600 watt thermatake psu and a 8800gt alpha dog edition on my intel core duo 2.4. I could use my video card until i got the money to get a better card. If i got the intel i probly go with windows 10 maybe or windows 7.
Here is my Intel build
Intel I5-6500 ??
DDR4 2400 16 gb
Not sure on mb atm
Not sure on video card by nvidia
WD black 1-2 tb hdd since it has a 5 year warrenty

AMD fx 6360 or fx 8370
ddr3 1800
Video card, mb, unsure

Games I play would be like beyond earth, Batman, Fallout 4, Dark souls 3, doom,Master of orion base games.