Windows 7 Installation Proble,


Jul 6, 2013
Okay so I bought anew motherboard for my computer and nothing else. I am even using the same hard drive etc. So I create a system repair disc and backup my files. I install my new motherboard and everything, it all works fine. I have tried adding my backup to the drive and also tried using the system repair disk. Is there something else I need? I need to do a fresh install so I can activate windows etc. I can only access the BIOS and when I try and start windows normally it crashes. Please help
If you need any more information on the computer ask :)

There is only the option to start windows normally or launch startup repair, which does nothing


Motherboard : Asus Sabertooth 990fx r2.0
CPU : AMD 8350 8-Core 4.0Ghz
GPU : Asus 7770 1GB DDR5
Hard drive: Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 500GB

Do you need anything else?


The motherboard I came from was an Asrock N68-VGS3 fx and I was told you could use a system repair disk to simple download windows again from the old motherboard to the new and then activate it using the same code, I got it from the control pannel and burned it into a blank disk
You said that you performed a back up after creating the system repair disc, so, it would probably be easier for you to do a fresh install of windows and then use the back up and restore feature to restore your settings and backed up info

I have been trying to do that, I must of missed something along the line. What exactly do I need and how do I do it?

Thats a pretty big changeover on the motherboard chipset side. Your going from an Nforce 600 series chipset, circa 2005, to a 990FX.


What should I do? Is there no other option but to just go out and buy a new windows?

I think dragonburn is saying to do a fresh install of windows 7 and then reinstall the disk image from the old setup. I have done something similar once. I moved an Nforce 4 installation over to a 790FX chipset some years back. It was XP though, not 7. I have not tried this switch with any version of NT 6

Why would you have to buy new windows?

How exactly do I do that tho? Because it seems to think I already have windows on it but it won't run at all and I haven't installed it
Basically, once you have loaded windows and whatever drivers are required for the motherboard, and other devices attached to your system, hook up the external drive with the backup media on it, open Back up and Restore (default location is Start, All Programs, Maintenance) and then run that and select to restore your system from a backup and then select the backup media that you have on the External drive, windows will pretty much take care of the rest