Windows 7 Laptop to MacBook: Should I trade?

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Aug 5, 2012
This man is offering his 2010 MacBook Pro 13inch for my 2011 Windows 7 notebook. I think it's a great deal but my parents are skeptical as it may be too good to be true. Here are the specs:

My laptop:
Asus k53e
-Core i5 2120M dual-core with hyper threading 2.6GHZ to up to 3.3GHZ
-HD 3000 Graphics
-500GB HDD
-15.6in 1366X768P Display
-Windows 7 Home Premium

The MacBook:

-Core 2 Duo CPU @ 2.4GHZ
-8GB RAM :)
-250GB HDD 🙁 (plan to upgrade to SSD)
-13in 1280x800p display

I think it's a good deal what do you guys think?
(Please no Apple haters)

is the cpu that much slower? I mean it's only a year or two behind. This is the latest Core 2 Duo and my i5 is only second-gen not third.

Quite a bit, you have to remember that Intel went to the 1st gen Core i series architecture with quite a boost in performance and 2nd gen was like 20% boost from Core 1st gen. My laptop has C2D T7500 at 2.2ghz (Dell Inspiron 1720) and I can play CPU bottle-necked games like Starcraft 2 on low settings, that i5 you have should do much better on CPU dependent settings. The graphics you have are tested to be equal to or up to 8% more powerful than that 320m.

Though not exactly about these laptops, here is a article with some interesting info, talking of how Sandy Bridge (Core 2nd gen) is substantially better than C2D and how the 320m and HD 3000 are comparable. (Keep in mind that the article is from 2011 and the driver issues they mention should have been ironed out by now)

You'd be better off upgrading your laptop than trading. Going to a SSD or SSHD will offer some noticeable performance boosts and you could max it out at 8gb Ram, if that's an issue for you. If you do a Ram upgrade, but not sure what to get, here is a system scanner from Crucial that can give you all the info you need to get the right memory:

Not even the GPU has better benchmarks. Your HD 3000 performs a little better then the GT320M.

I can´t find your I5 processor, only gives me a mobile i3 with that reference. Let´s put the i5-2540M (2.6 - 3.3GHz)
You don´t say the exact processor of MacBook but it´s something like P8600 latest core2duo 1066MHz

See it for yourself:

In Mac platform the diference in performance may not be noticed, but you already a have a more recent tecnology. I would upgrade your laptop with ram, SSD HDD and windows 8.1... And keep your 500Gb as external USB drive for backup and storage.
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