Windows 7 logo crash after CPU over tempreture error


Feb 11, 2015
My desktop recently had a CPU over temperature error but now it is fixed. The problem now is that when I boot up it constantly crashes at the Windows 7 logo. I cannot enter safe mode and I have tried bios reset and error recovery. Any help would be much appreciated.

You might try inserting your win7 disc and booting, then choosing system repair. It's not the bios if it reaches the win7 logo, at that point it's the o/s trying to load up all of the drivers and do it's thing. Something in one of the startup files may have gotten corrupted. You said you tried error recovery, was that using the install disc?
You can't enter safe mode either from the boot options? If you press F8 during the boot process it should take you to the boot options and from there should be an option to select 'boot in safe mode' for either win7. What cpu and motherboard is it? Do you have a system repair disc that came with your pc?

These options may help, they describe how to create the repair disc if you no longer have one (assuming you have a legal copy of windows). You may have to use a friends or coworkers pc to create a repair disc since you can't boot into your own system.

win7 -

Are there any beeps when the pc first begins to boot up? If so, how many?