Windows 7 or windows 8.1 for high end gaming PC??


Aug 27, 2014
I want compatibility for past games like Skyrim and Fallout as well as stable gaming for current and future games to come. My operating system choice is solely based on gaming.
From the previous suggestion:

There is zero reason to spend the extra for Win 7 Ultimate
There is little reason to spend the extra for Win 7 Pro, over Win 7 Home Premium.
Likewise, there is zero reason to buy Win 8/8.1 Pro over regular Win 8/8.1.

To your actual question:
There is currently little if any performance difference between 7 & 8.
8, obviously, is the direction MS is taking, so any future DX will be aimed at 8.
I was thinking windows 7 as well. I just wanted to know the differences but I feel more games are compatible at the moment with 7 but i'm also trying to consider what the next couple years will bring with these next gen games
From the previous suggestion:

There is zero reason to spend the extra for Win 7 Ultimate
There is little reason to spend the extra for Win 7 Pro, over Win 7 Home Premium.
Likewise, there is zero reason to buy Win 8/8.1 Pro over regular Win 8/8.1.

To your actual question:
There is currently little if any performance difference between 7 & 8.
8, obviously, is the direction MS is taking, so any future DX will be aimed at 8.

Windows 7 (my favorite):
Non-Metro interface

Windows 8:
Faster boot times
Better security
A bit less expensive.

So would using Windows 7 for the next couple years be more beneficial? I think i might hold out on Windows 8 until my first upgrades/replacement parts need to be applied to my PC. any thoughts?

Specifically, with can make it default into booting directly into the Desktop. Only see the Metro tiles if you really want/need it.
I see it rarely.

Performance-wise..little if any difference.
Can you be comfortable with Win 8.1? Or have you used it and hate it?

"after the few minutes I spent using Windows 8"
That seems to be the general use case of those who do not like it.

No, the traditional XP/Vista/7 Start menu is gone. Unless you get one of the aftermarket tools to recreate it.

But me personally? I do not miss it one bit.
All of my main applications are pinned to the autohide taskbar, available in an instant.
Anything else? Win + S, type a couple of characters of the application name...poof, there is is.

In actual fact, far, far better than the old start menu if you had a LOT of applications installed. On a recent PC, the 'Start menu' would take up 5 or 6 columns (with multiple flyouts), and almost the whole screen. Trying to find Application X was a PITA.

To me, seems much simpler now.

I've never used Windows 8.1. It's not the getting used to thing that bothers me but compatibility with past, preset, and future games altogether

All depends on how you obtain the OS. If you buy it, and it comes on disk...make your own ISO for later use.
And if you buy it direct download from can create your own ISO. Early in the process, you are given the opportunity of 'install now', or Install later with media'.

If preinstalled on the PC....well, then we have a problem.
I personally would stay away from 7 for games. It is much faster than 8 or 8.1 from my experience although 8 is not bad as the first thing I normally do is check my mail which is an app in 8. But 8.1 I had a lot of problems that I don't want to bore you with unless you want to know them.

At the end it depends on if you want a mobile like experience or not. If you do, choose 8 otherwise 7.