Windows 7 please help


Oct 25, 2012
Windows 7 wont install, I've tested the RAM ive tried it on my hard drive and SSD. I have installed windows XP and it works fine I am using the PC now.... Windows will install then it restarts and goes to the starting windows screen, turns black then restarts asks how I want to start windows. I tried safe mode I have updated BIOS I feel like I have tried everything and I can't get it to work. I have spent 15+ hours trying to figure this out and I am going insane because I cant get Windows 7 to work on my new PC.

If you have any idea at all please help! thank you
I do not get an error code, the computer restarts over and over takes me to a black page where it asks if I want to start windows normally, safe mode, safe mode with command prompt, last known good config.. etc
have you tried hitting F8 (or F2 or F12) to bring up a menu to select the DVD drive as a boot device when your computer first starts to boot up?

the computer won't boot from the DVD drive on many (most?) computers unless you do something like that... just mash F8 F2 F12 during the first momentsof booting up and watch for a menu like that to select DVD as boot device.