I'm confused right now. I upgraded my RAM on my older computer from 3.0GB to 4.0GB. The system can handle it, i know. But for some reason, I can only use like 3.60GB? Also, It's always using a lot of RAM. It really doesn't feel like i upgraded at all i feel like. Here are some screenshots. http://gyazo.com/914183333e0d44fc2675b828ac40b6ab annd http://gyazo.com/00e17c31e39d194a7a7f242ad867baf9. I seriously don't understand. Whenever i'm not using that much ram, the "standby" ram thing goes up. Someone also explained to me. (I don't know if there right) They said that the more ram I use the standby ram will go down. Now, I don't know if there right. Honestly, I don't like that feature. If theirs any way to remove or fix that let me know. I would love to know. Let me know if you have any questions. 😀