Windows 7 shutdown suddenly after hardware changes


Dec 11, 2013

I would really appreciate some troubleshooting advice on my problem for my pc.

I have rather old amd Phenom II x4 965 system.

Just a few days back as the cpu fan is getting too loud, I went to buy an aftermarket cpu cooler.
However, the installation requires me to unmount the motherboard and thus also remove the graphics card (the gpu is a recent installation working for few months) in the process.

After the installation of the cooler, the initial boot fails and I remove the graphics card and managed to get it booted.
I then re-installed the graphics card and managed to get the system booted as per normal.
I have also set the BIOS shutdown temperature to 75C since.

However, for the past few days, usually the first boot of the day, the pc will suddenly shutdown.
Once or twice, I managed to see an error window pop up but didn't managed to see the message before it shuts down.
However, my wife who wasn't aware of the changes to the graphics card says she manage to see the word vga in the error pop up on the occasion she experienced it.

The weird thing is that, after this shutdown, it will usually work without problem the rest of the day.
(My guess is more likely is that the system is stablised)
I experience this more or less 1 once a day.

I have tried to remove and install back or change the graphics card slot, but still seems to happen.

The latest is I have disabled the BIOS shutdown temperature, but have not gone overnight before verifying if this is the cause.
I did installed HWMonitor to check if my cpu temperature has reached the shutdown limit and the values shown is no where near 75C, usually 40s to 50s
(But I read there is some function that will report additional temperature to the system?)

Is there some monitoring software I can install to capture some information on what is triggering the shutdown?

Any suggestions is greatly appreciated.


Is your cpu or ram OC'd ?

Thanks for the replies.

When I changed the slot of the gpu, it did install the drivers again, is that good enough?

And, neither cpu, ram has been overclocked.
As for the gpu, it's stock settings but I'm not sure if it comes with overclocked.

Thanks again.


PS: Sorry, I forgot to mention that when I say the PC suddenly shutdown, this will almost always happen within 5 mins of login.
it will still boot successfully to the login screen, login successfully and works for a few minutes before suddenly blackout
When I read your post it seems that you've never had issues while the graphics card was removed. Why don't you try a few days with it removed and see if the problem goes away. If the problem does resolve, like your post says, it could be isolated to your GPU. If your GPU was purchased fairly recently, but is just out of warranty, remember that most credit cards double manufacturers warranties on every purchase and will credit you for the failed card.
Thanks for the suggestion.

It does sounds to be a good way to isolate the problem.

I was initially thinking if it could be the onboard graphics card giving problem (because of the VGA pop saw by my wife).
But even if it is so, removing the graphics card will definitely help.
As, if I still have this problem with the card removed, then it will be some other problem with the main suspect being the onboard gpu.

Thanks again! :)