red77star :
Since Windows 10 is worse than Windows 8.x which is worse than Windows 7, Windows 10 will be another EPIC failure by Microsoft and that is good for all of us because they will be force to finally release a real Windows 7 successor. Compared to last month Windows 7 gained mosty from Windows XP users. Trend will continue as i am expecting for Windows 7 to hit close to 70% in the next 6 months where Windows 8.1 market share will split into half between Windows 10 and Windows 8.1.
Except Win8 is better than Win7 in every aspect. People's main complaint was the Metro screen which had a great replacement almost on launch by the name of Start8. I've been using Win8 since almost day dot and using Start8 the entire time and it's been great. It's faster, more stable, and uses less resources. It has improvements in a whole myriad of areas which I'm not going to bother typing here because there are thousands of sites explaining the improvements.
You might argue that you shouldn't need a 3rd party program to use your Windows the way you like to. By that ridiculous rationale there should be no need for Google Chrome, VLC media player, 7zip etc.
The beauty of windows is the ability to use 3rd party software to set up the user experience that you desire. MS decided to try a metro window and if you don't like it then use Start8.
Win10 will be a success. How much of a success depends on whether they can shift the stubborn and ill-informed XP and Win7 users.
I can completely understand not buying Win8 when you are using Win7, your spending money for a small upgrade. If I had owned 7 I wouldn't of bought 8.
Win10 is a free upgrade, there will be no point in staying in the past and denying yourself a quality of life improvement.
I'm not saying be an early adopter as all OS's in the past have had launch issues. Win10 has the largest beta test program to date so it might just be the best launch to date as well.
I'll be sitting on the sidelines watching and waiting to see where the chips fall.