Windows 7 Upgrade


Jan 10, 2010
I have Vista Home Premium 64 bit with the latest SP and updates.

I want to upgrade to Windows 7 and the upgrade application said I could upgrade to Windows 7 Home Premium or Windows 7 Ultimate.

I really want the Ultimate version of 64 bit.

When I checked Windows Update Anytime software on my computer it said it was ot available to me or something of that effect.

I want to upgrade and not loose my software programs that are now loaded on my computer. Is that possible?

Do I need to get the upgrade version even though I do not have 7 on my computer now or do I need the full version?

Does the full version have an upgrade option that will keep you present programs?


You can upgrade from Vista Home Premium 64 bit to Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit, but you need to purchase the Upgrade pack, you can't use the Anytime upgrade as that is for people already running Windows 7.
Your programs will remain using the inplace upgrade.

I agree with you, but he says he realy wants Ultimate.