Hey guys. I got my rig today i assembled it without a hitch earlier today. Ive been trying to install ANY OS today. Ubuntu just gave me black screen. SteamOS runs the recover drive /clonezilla live, then i have to shut off and then again, nothing. No install running or anything...
Then i got myself a copy of win8.1 retail but i cant get it to put it on my flash drive.. it always fails at 99% percent.Both in Rufus and the official microsoft tool for it.. I found a solution with some partition stuff..(link here > http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/1764dc36-fae1-44e5-b337-72864ad6392f/problem-with-windows-7-dvdusb-download-tool?forum=w7itproinstall ) but i can't grasp that stuff at all..Ultimately i'd like to get the win8.1
So my question really is, would anyone here be willing to try and fix it for me, via teamviewer maybe? I have been trying for 8-9 hours now myself to no avail.. i have officially given up.
Then i got myself a copy of win8.1 retail but i cant get it to put it on my flash drive.. it always fails at 99% percent.Both in Rufus and the official microsoft tool for it.. I found a solution with some partition stuff..(link here > http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/1764dc36-fae1-44e5-b337-72864ad6392f/problem-with-windows-7-dvdusb-download-tool?forum=w7itproinstall ) but i can't grasp that stuff at all..Ultimately i'd like to get the win8.1
So my question really is, would anyone here be willing to try and fix it for me, via teamviewer maybe? I have been trying for 8-9 hours now myself to no avail.. i have officially given up.