Windows 7 vs Ubuntu 14.04 vs Steamos for gaming rig?


Sep 10, 2014
Hey I was wondering if I switched from windows 7 to either ubuntu 14.04 or Steamos if my gaming rig would suffer? I've been having a ton of problems with Win7 and so I'm looking at the other two. All my games I play through steam. Will everything work the same? Will my gtx 660's still work in SLi? My corsair me mouse, CM Storm keyboard? My 7.1 dolby surround or corsair link? I have little to no experience with ubuntu but if it will get me the same or pretty close performance I'd be willing to learn. Anyone have any experience with ubuntu gaming vs windows?
You may play games via Steam' but are they all available as native Linux applications?

Stick with Windows; it is currently the best gaming system. If you are having problems running games in Windows this pales into insignificance when compared with the problems you will have in Linux (and don't forget that SteamOS - which is still a Beta - is just Linux).
You may play games via Steam' but are they all available as native Linux applications?

Stick with Windows; it is currently the best gaming system. If you are having problems running games in Windows this pales into insignificance when compared with the problems you will have in Linux (and don't forget that SteamOS - which is still a Beta - is just Linux).
Sadly Steam for Linux has only seems to have older games like Portal 2, Civilization V, Left 4 Dead 2, Half Life 2, etc right now. Still, that's way better than a few years ago when Linux gaming meant Tux Racer and all kinds of lame knock-offs of games like Lemmings but with penguins in them. Hopefully SteamOS will make Linux a viable gaming platform though.
Linux is almost there, but at this moment stick with windows. The good news is that progress has really started to pick up since Valve started pushing Steam on linux.

Many of the steam games are not compatable with Linux .
Your cards will still work in SLI . The CM Storm will not light up . I have the same keyboard and am getting help on a fix http://www dot .
Your 7.1 will work fine .
Corsair link does NOT work in linux and , as far as I've been able to find there is no sollution .
I love linux but , it still has a ways to go for gaming .
Are you sure the problem is windows ?
I suggest you externally backup your files and do a fresh install of windows . Then reinstall your files .
Check the bios version on your MB as well . If it is several versions old then think about flashing the bios ( research flashing bios and proceed with caution ) . I'm far from being an expert , but I fix and service windows comps/laptops as I live 2 blocks from UNM to help make ends meet .
Also check drivers as well .
PS- Consider setting up dual booting with windows and Ubuntu . It's quite easy and will allow you to get to learn a Linux OS and you'll have fun playing around in a very user friendly op system .