Windows 7 Wireless Connection Issue


Sep 22, 2013
First Specs:

Computer Model: Dell Alienware M18xR2
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate
Router/Modem: Ubee DDW 365 (Its a modem with routing capabilities)
WIFI Adapter: Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 2230
Mbp Speed: 50-100 (According to the internet company I am using, And not sure if that is applicable)

Last week I got new internet installed, works good and still does but 3 or 4 days ago my laptop has been having issues connecting to the router/modem after I would put it on sleep/hibernate/restart/shutdown. It does connect eventually, but i have to fight with it in order to connect. I would have to manually connect and it would say about 4 or 5 times "Windows unable to connect to router" and after the 5th try it would connect and sometimes it'll say no internet access and sometimes it'll just be regular 5 bars. Sometimes it connects automatically without any issues. I dont know what is up, i tried uninstalling my adapter and re installing to no avail. Its not a MAJOR issue but it kinda annoying me. Any ideas?

Oh and we do have like other devices connecting to it like 2 desktops, another laptop, and I THINK the person downstairs uses it also and a PS3. But this usually happens when I am the only one trying to connect.
Sleep/hibernate/restart/shutdown covers a lot of territory. Would it be accurate to say that making the initial connection after waking or starting your computer, and when you're the only one connecting, is usually unsuccessful? And that once you've gotten a connection it will maintain it, and it doesn't have this problem when others are connected when you make the attempt?

I'm just trying to make sure I've got the situation correct.

"Would it be accurate to say that making the initial connection after waking or starting your computer" Yeah once it awakens it has issues. "and when you're the only one connecting, is usually unsuccessful?" That and sometimes when there maybe 2 or 3 or all machines on also. But mostly its me using internet when im home by myself. When i first got the internet, it did not have any trouble connecting up until 4 days ago. "And that once you've gotten a connection it will maintain it, and it doesn't have this problem when others are connected when you make the attempt?" It will maintain the connection all the time when i connect finally. Im the only person having this issue that i am aware of. My friend would sometimes get kicked outta PS3 online when we first got the internet, and he did something with the IP address or something and it stopped losing his session. Maybe him doing that screwed me up?