Windows 7 wont boot from CD


Dec 25, 2013
I was reinstalling windows on my SSD cause I changed a mobo. I previously had an error where it was choosing between MBR and GPT. After choosing MBR it created several subpartitions. The format wouldn't work saying

Q. I received the error message "Error finding your systems active partition", what do I have to do? A. You need to format the whole hard drive with a program like Active@ Kill Disk. This issue is caused by your locked OEM partition

This is a crucial SSD. I just wiped windows off it after installing my new mobo. I "killed" the following drives except LOCAL DISK C

All in all, windows boots properly and can read disks. However, it can no longer boot windows from my CD drive and gives me the error "the selection failed because a required device is inaccessible". I either wiped the data or locked those sectors and don't know how I can get my computer to boot from CD