Windows 7 won't reinstall after changing mobo and cpu


Jun 14, 2015
I have tried everything on the threads regarding the mobo and cpu swap I can get to the point where windows is loading from disk and then freezes and gives me blue screen error the bios for the new mobo says everything is working and it's reading everything but windows won't do anything the hard drive is out of my old gateway everything else is new. The hard drive still works when I install it in the old gateway but I can't get to desktop with the new mobo this is day 3 trying to figure this out please help.
The bar appears with the disk it gets to the windows logo screen and then goes to blue screen. I get the white bar without the disk when I try to repair windows and the again get the logo and blue screen. Everything I have tried I get to the windows logo and then blue screen.
If you don't care what's on the old drive, I would put it back in the gateway and boot from the Windows DVD, then at the point where it lists the partitions, I would delete all of them. Then shut it down, and put drive back in the new rig and try to install Windows. Then you are not being interfered with by an old Windows installation, if that happens to be part of the problem.
Yeah that's my other issue now is the cpu in the gateway took a crap last night so I can't even use that rig anymore. That's why I started building the new rig because I had a feeling my cpu was going bad.