Windows 7 won't start


Jul 26, 2017
I just downgraded from windows 10 down to windows 7 it won't go passed the windows 7 animation and leaves me with a black screen a one beep then just stay there, I'm trying to install a new gpu so anyone asap, my system
I3 2100
8gb ram
400 watt psu
Gtx 650
Don't know the motherboard
And no cd reader of any sort
Is the issue due to you installing the video card or because of the downgrade to 7? Meaning did this issue start right after it tried to run Win 7 or when you are trying to install the video card. Was this using a clean setup of Windows 7 or the roll-back feature in 10 when you upgrade to 10 from 7?

Its doesnt matter anymore i just did i fresh install of windows 7