Windows 8.1 image file


Apr 25, 2016
I bought laptop with Windows 8 two years ago. Last year I updated to Windows 8.1 and now I want to reinstall it. So, I need to make an image file and burn it to DVD or USB.

Problem is that I have only Product ID which I found in My Computer - Properties. I tried to find the Product-Key somewhere on laptop but I could not. I found one number unter the battery, but it is certainly not the one.

How I can make an image, if possible at all?
The 'Key' you seek is embedded in the bios now. Just create your restore disks and reinstall. It will check the bios for the key all by iteself but it will need to still check with MS to make sure its authentic.
Popatim is correct. If you really want to view your product key though, you can do so using a free program called RW Everything. You can download it from here:

If you decide you want to view your product key, simply install the program, run it, and then click on ACPI. After that, you'll want to click on MSDM. Your key should be at the bottom.

Another thing that might work,
In windows, click on the Start Menu, type CMD, right click, click on Run as Administrator. This will open an administrator command prompt. Inside the command prompt, you could try typing:
wmic path softwarelicensingservice get OA3xOriginalProductKey

Finally, I believe another option is to use a program called Magic Jelly Bean. This should show you the product key that's stored in the registry I believe,