Windows 8.1 Memory and Disk around 100% (97-99)


Mar 20, 2014
Guys I need someone who can help me fix this?
Can't support having this, it makes my pc lag, can't game properly, can't surf properly
I have no clue how I can solve this issue so I hope you gurus can.

If you need my RIG it's the following:

I7 4770k
GTX 650Ti
Z87 GD65
2TB WD Black
XFX 650W
16GB Kingston HyperX beast 1866
(nothing is overclocked, everything default)
because it appears that you are running our of Memory (Ram) which forces your Programs to use the hard Drive Cache which slows everything down. you can wait for the optimization to be done then restart any time you want
Opps 😛 mah bad. this happened to me so i found a solution to fix it. hope it will solve yours as well
To Fix Memory Leaks on Non-Paged-Pool:
Changed the registry value instead of using Autoruns:


Change the Start value to 4 (for disable).

Where do I change it? Where do I find that file or whatever it is?
I'm a noob 😀
oh first you click window key + R for run tab then type regedit from that you can follow HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Ndu. Once you get there click on Ndu and look for Start on the right box, double click on Start change its number to 4. close then restart your pc

Oh ok ty I found it and just changed to 4, but I'm optimizing my hard disk drive at the moment (was trying myself some shit to solve the issue 😛 ) any harm if i restart it now during the optimization of the hard disk drive?
because it appears that you are running our of Memory (Ram) which forces your Programs to use the hard Drive Cache which slows everything down. you can wait for the optimization to be done then restart any time you want

Hows that even possible i got 16gb ram and no programs open (almost none)

the cause is from drivers. but its still unknown why it is happened only in window 8

Anyways thank you for helping the change in the Ndu (and the hdd optimization) solved the issue
Take care

Dude, I have been trying to solve this problem for MONTHS, and you just solved it. Thank you so much!