Windows 8.1 OEM


Jan 7, 2015
I recently bought a copy of windows 8.1 OEM. I cannot however figure out how to format the disk. i built the computer myself. it has a blank hard drive

when I attempted it said the drive was not properly formatted,

The only drive in it is brand new, and i didn't even think about hooking it up to my old computer, i will try that


This machine is home built. it works with linux, so i know it is not a hardware issue

After much internet surfing I found the easiest fix. I opened up an older computer and hooked up the drive, then just formatted it like a new drive
Are there any other drives in the system that your trying to install windows???? is this a new drive or used one? do you have access to another pc that you can use to format the disc using disk management?

Wow lol what I mention use on another system and format it.