Windows 8.1 on HD to SSD


Mar 6, 2014
Recently built a new computer. Got a 2TB HD and a 128Gb SSD. The SSD just died on me overnight.. I had my OS Windows 8.1 installed on the SSD and used the HDD for everything else, games etc. Plan on RMA'ing the SSD.

What I'm wondering is how hard would it be to install windows on the replacement SSD if I were to install windows on my hardrive in the mean time. Would I have to format the HDD completely to remove windows from it so I could install it on my new SSD. I just have one physical copy of windows.

In short, would I be saving myself a head ache by just being patient and waiting for my new SSD.

Some other info just in case.
Asus M5A97
AMD FX6300

Also, regarding the dead SSD, I tried plugging it into each of the other SATA ports on the mobo and tried the SATA cable from my HDD. The SSD isn't recognized on start up or in my bios during any configuration, while the HDD is in all of them, even with either SATA cable. Would I be correct in assuming it is dead? I have no other computer to test it in.
You could install Windows 8 onto your HDD by partitioning it first, then clone the HDD OS partition to an SSD. however i would personally just install the OS to the SSD first,