Windows 8.1 vs 7


Jun 18, 2014
I've planned everything but the os for my build. If I go for windows 7, I cab get it from a friend if they can find it. But I heard windows 8.1 is better for gaming and I could be missing out on windows 8.1 since I've never got myself used to it(used it only once for a short period of time). So which is should I go for?

Windows 8.1 is faster than W7 and also has support for the latest DirectX. If you don't like the look of w8.1 you can use shell to make it like windows 7. Due to these reasons I would go with windows 8.1.

Hope this helps :)


Windows 8.1 is faster than W7 and also has support for the latest DirectX. If you don't like the look of w8.1 you can use shell to make it like windows 7. Due to these reasons I would go with windows 8.1.

Hope this helps :)


Windows 8.1 boots up a few seconds faster than Windows 7. Other than that there is no performance difference and not any in gaming. The primary difference is in the interface and if you're willing to install Start 8 or similar, you can get the desktop to function closer to Windows 7 desktop. (It's better than it was but the fullscreen "apps" get annoying to me)

So it really comes down to which interface you prefer or if the few seconds of boot time matters to you.

As for DirectX, By the time DX12 comes out, Windows 9 will probably be coming with it so that's no big deal and DX11 is just starting to become mainstream and will be for a while since Windows 7 is so popular.


BF4 had a more dramatic effect due to poor optimization at first, but even now it has FPS differences between the systems. Depending on the game you can get 0-10FPS difference typically. It won't hurt in the worst cases and will be quicker in the best cases.
Windows 8.1 is VERY slightly faster in some games, however, you have to put up with learning where Microsoft "hid" important sub programs, and what their new names are.

Microsoft is happy with putting out trash for a PC [Win v8.0] and let the purchasing customer beta test it for them [hence 8.1 and a required shell if you want something different - and hope Win8 and the shell get happily along], they have to change names and locations of favorite power user functions. I hate it.
I've been using macs for a few years and only recently started to use windows again on my gaming system.

I really like 8.1. Yes the full screen apps are a bit of a pain but the new start menu is a nice way to start once you get it configured to your liking. I like the news tile etc.

With 8.1 you get easy access to the desktop and as others have said it's super easy to get the full start button back if you miss it. Perhaps it's because I've not used windows since XP but I've not actually missed the traditional start button in 8.1 I can see however how the original release of 8 was awkward without any form of start button.

I still love OS X for work but I think Windows 8 has been unfairly treated. Like most things Microsoft do, their intentions are good and their underlying tech is sound they just sometimes get the packaging a bit wrong.

To my mind going for the latest version is a no brainer.

Where did you get those bogus numbers? You did not leave a link.

It is too late to be honest in this thread now, I am sure ironmaster has already made a purchase. I am posting at this time in case someone stumbles upon this thread.