Windows 8 metro apps not opening... HELP!!!!


Aug 25, 2014
Hello to all!!
I'm very frustrated. The preinstalled windows 8 metro apps like Mail, People, Skype etc. are not opening. Store, Camera, OneDrive, Photos and the apps I installed are working fine but when I open the other metro apps, the opening animation shows up, and then the app just minimizes to the taskbar. When I try to maximize it, it minimizes again. The metro tiles are working fine and they update frequently, but the main app doesn't open. I have Windows 8.1 Update 1.
I have tried reinstalling the apps and it works fine but after a few days I get the same problem. I do not want to reinstall the apps again. Is there a shortcut to repair this problem?
Here's a video that describes my problem.

Are you running an AV other than MS Defender?

I had the exact same issue with Avast a while ago. Would only happen when Avast real time protection was enabled.

If you haven't tried already, try turning off your AV temporarily and see if that helps
so i may have found the solution but idk which one it is, first i deleted the cache of the windows store and uninstalled all the apps that i couldn't get to open

you clear the cache by going to this file path:

and you have to rename the old cache folder to old cache because the dat files names are too long ot be removed and then create a new file with the name cache

after this is done you now right click all the modern apps that don't work and uninstall them and then wait a few mins for the windows store to catch up so that you can reinstall them through the store.

idk if this will help you but it work extremely well for me and got all the apps that i needed to work to work
I faced the exact problem here. and I solved it by:

1- Boot to Windows Recovery Environment (RE), reach to command prompt.
2- Get Windows 8.1 drive letter by running:
lis vol
3- Suppose the drive letter was E:
icacls E:\* /T /C /Q /RESET
4- Reboot to Windows 8.1 again and also form an elevated command prompt:
icacls "C:\Program Files" /grant "ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES":(OI)(CI)(RX) /C /Q
icacls C:\Windows /grant "ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES":(OI)(CI)(RX) /C /Q
icacls C:\users /grant "ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES":(OI)(CI)(F) /C /Q
Step 4 is automated based on this article.