windows 8 missing partition...

perez jens

Nov 8, 2013

i have some real problems, but please stick with me cause this is gonna get complicated. but ill try to explain as good as possible. here we go.

1. i bought a new computer with windows 8 installed on it ( acer aspire tc-603 )
but i found out that own build pc's are better and cheaper.

2. so i bought a new motherboard, graphics card and power supply and case.

3.i installed it all in the case. runs very good. but my pc kept crashing for no reason.
so i did go on here and everyone said that iff u replace your motherboard that u have to install windows 8 again.

4. so i bought a legit copy of windows 8 with key in store (im sure its not the upgrade)

5. i boot from the cd, i remove and format all partitions as in windows 7.

6. but it says that i cant install windows on those partitions (8 i think) not one.

7. so i try to repair windows to default settings, but it says that the partition it needs to do that is missing.

i think i screwed up at deleting those partitions. is there a way to fix this? maybe buy another hard drive and try that?

my motherboard is from Asus z87-k
i dont know what my HDD is from cause its the one that was in pre-build pc.

iff u need extra info, just ask and ill try to give.

Grtz Jens
Like PCs from other manufacturers (Dell, HP), there is probably a hidden recovery partition on the hard drive you are re-using from your Acer. This recovery partition is probably expecting a Windows reinstall on your Acer...and is messing up your new Win 8 install on your new build. Get a partition program like Partition Wizard that can delete even the hidden partitions. You'll need another PC to do this.
i do have a laptop, cause the pc in question is unuseable. i deleted windows on it and i cant reinstall. as u can read in my post.
but i got some more info. i just did a automatic repair on windows and all the partitions are primary type now. when i click on details why it cant install windows on those partitions it says that i cant cause its a GPT-Partitionstyle. iff u know in what to change it it may be the solution. i know how to convert the partitions so.