Hi, I'm building a new Haswell system and trying to decide if there's any reason to purchase the full retail version of Windows 8 instead of the OEM for an extra $20. I've done plenty of looking around and as I understand it neither is motherboard dependent, both allow you to install it on a different machine as long as it's only active on 1 at a time (aka let's say I build a new system in 6 months for some reason and scrap the old one). The only thing I'm seeing is that there's no Microsoft support, which as a person who builds my own system I've never once asked Microsoft for help. Am I missing something?
Thanks, I've read lots of replies on other threads but nothing has convinced me it's worth the little extra money, I can't picture any problem that couldn't be fixed via google/tom's
Thanks, I've read lots of replies on other threads but nothing has convinced me it's worth the little extra money, I can't picture any problem that couldn't be fixed via google/tom's