windows 8 transfer?


Apr 24, 2014
hey im new to messing around with operating systems and I wanted to know; if you took a harddrive out of a pc and it had windows 8, would you be able to put that hard drive into a new pc and have all the information and os?

im asking because my girlfreinds laptop broke but the hard drive is still good, and i was planning on building her one and i just really dont want to have to spend the $100 on windows 8.

Any help appreciated!!
The info would be there. But the Windows version on the hard drive of that laptop is most likely an OEM version, and those are locked to the motherboard of the laptop. Which means as soon as you power up the hard drive in a different computer, its going to say to want a new registration key.

So yes, you can move the hard drive. But no, its not going to save you from buying Windows 8.1.