Windows 9 May Cost Windows 7 Users $30

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...that will make the Windows platform feel more smartphone-like.

Nope. Not until that line of thought stops. I use this desktop for professional-level work. I DO NOT want to be doing things on a smartphone interface. I don't care what you call it - as long as they're attempting to put the same operating system across a smartphone as they are a desktop PC, I won't be using it. That's just a fundamentally flawed way of trying to force a market on people.

If Microsoft is going to be a 'mobile first' company, then I'll be leaving them behind for something willing to support a customer base that has actual work to be done. That's all I can say. Hopefully Windows 7 stays viable until they pull their collective heads out of where the sun doesn't shine.
Oh so the corporate fat cats finally got knocked off their high horse and realized the power is in the people and not Richie Friggin Rich! Check yourselves fat cats, Just because you have money does not mean you can force people to do what you want! We will resist! And in the end the voting with the all mighty dollar always wins! That is the Fat Cat's weakness since the Fat Cat lives by the dollar! LOL

A report out of Indonesia claims that Andreas Diantoro, President of Microsoft Indonesia, has confirmed that Windows 8.1 customers will indeed get Windows 9 for free.

Do you even read the article before you post? It`s the first sentence that the article starts with ...
What a joke. Microsoft said it would be similar to XP now this turn. Will it ever quit? I have XP VISTA 7 AND 8/8.1. I found no major flaws between XP to 7. 8/8.1 however is a complete waste of space and so forth. I read through Yahoo news yesterday that W9 would only be free to a select few windows 8 user not across the board as stated here.
Well once again I am not impressed. They are ending support for 7 in Oct unless you hbought your unit with it pre-installed.
I have to agree with: someguynamedmatt on his response to this.

I also add that this is a major deterrent for those of us who do not use a cellphone with internet (other than text). We were promised basically a remake of Windowos XP but with better security Not another system heading towards the looks of a cell phones OS. Microsoft is obviously not listening at all to customers.
Somehow to me this seems like another Windows 8 in disguise. Microsoft is jealous of the cell phone OS and could care less anymore about people who still use a pc.
Gates needs to get his head out of his ASS or at least have a Window put in is stomach so he could see what's really going on.

Microsoft needs to re-incorporate Dos. a lot of business still use Dos (many state facilities). They need to make Windows smaller and less reliant on processor and other resources. Get ridd of all the crap rarely anyone uses (home users) and have bare bones to say the least.Ok granted they have various version home pro business and so on but there should be only 2 versions. I am tired of buying a system loaded with Microsoft crap I don't use or is only limited time (office).
I just spoke of this yesterday on facebook. Get rid of things such as IE since more and more have turned to either firefox or chrome. Ie takes up a lot and is not a true tabbed browser. I set to open in other tab and instead a new window opens. Get rid of the fax viewer character map sound recorder and a bunch of other things I would consider more for businesses than the common person.
Personally I have never had any issues that Microsoft claimed there are on XP. Other than the system itself on being slow (old hardware non up-gradable) it works fine with a lot of today's programs still.
Here's something for those who gave up XP if you still have your XP disc. Microsoft only stopped putting out new updates You can still download all the updates up til this past April. I rebooted my old XP unit made a backup of all updates just on the off-hand they removed them. but they didn't. You will need to manually though download a bunch of them in order to get the correct Updater for windows.

Quick question for everyone who has had both x64 and x32 is it me or is x64 actually slower? Also I have not seen a x32 since my Win 7 unit in the stores. ((Walmart Staples Best Buy etc).?
I will pay the 30$ just to not have to use Windows 9!!!! We only have a year then Windows 7 will NO LONGER BE SUPPORTED! Confirmed by MVP.
Got to play around with Windows 10 for awhile and it's ok. It's more or less Windows 8 with a start menu with some improvements. It's pretty quick like the the others and it looks like the task manager has a few improvements such as virtualization detection. The added desktop environments is a nice improvement. Wonder if it will be useful when gaming, being able to switch screens with a touch of a button would be cool to have when using online strategy guides or just talking about the game experience.

Certainly we will. it is windows 8.1 with windows 7 functions. all the good about windows 8.1, plus a start menu. In that mode you never will see metro UI again, unless you activate the start screen mode on purpose. It defaults to the classic style.

The rethought snapping feature is even better then it was. Any store app can live inside a window on the desktop, and can be resized exactly like any desktop app

It is pretty stable for a very early build. Reminds me of the very first betas of windows 7

So what Microsoft is basically saying is that its so bad they didn't want to give it an odd number and ruin the streak of good OS = odd bad OS = even
it is called Windows 10 Technical Preview on the microsoft preview website. Some folks at Microsoft even think about not having a numbering for the next windows starting with windows 10. Windows 9 could be considered windows 8.1 that made drastic changes to windows 8.0. Windows 8.1 has 6.3 kernel version. windows 10 has 6.4. Windows 8.0 got from 6.1 ( windows 7) to 6.2 (windows 8.0) and 6.3 (windows 8.1, could be windows 9. Windows 8.1 was considered an OS upgrade, free for windows 8.0. The retail now sold is 8.1). 2 major kernel updates are enough to justify a version to skip a version.

Is windows 8.0 or 8.1 stable? Yes! does it have major bugs? No! Was it a improvement in performance over 7? Definitelly yes. DOes everyone liked windows 7? No. Does everyone will like windows 10? No. WIll it be stable? Yes. As far as I can see, windows 8 drivers will definitelly work day one. Unless you tend to have hardware that always have been a problem for their drivers, yuo should have the same smooth and stable experience as in WIndows 7, but with more performance, better memory management, better UI choices indeed, and maybe even a cheaper price for upgrade than windows 8.0 when it came out.

Will people complain? yes. People always complained as much as for windows 8, since Microsoft sold windows. Every version, about same adoption rate. Saying that people use the newest version because that is what they get when buying a new PC, well, those kind of people usually do nmot build their own PC, and only change about once in 4-5 years. Casual PC users do not change their PC whenever there is a change.

That concept means exactly nothing when you factor in Me, XP, Vista, 2000.
The concept is 'every other one', no matter what it is called.

If you recall, XP was hugely derided when it came out. Now, they can't get people off of it.
I might pay $20, but for Windows 10 not 9. Its should be free for all, for all the trouble 8 has caused. I used "Start Menu X" for all Windows (XP, 7, & 8, maybe 10 tooooooo!)

There is no "Windows 9". Windows 10 is the next one after 8/8.1.
The name means nothing.
NONE of my commercial customers want Windows 8 nor 8.1. What idiot thinks a doctor's office can use a touch screen? We experimented with it. Carpel tunnel syndrome plus how many users have an arm long enough to reach a screen 4 feet away? There is absolutely NO need for any user to use a cloud like device in a modern business. It creates a whole new set of issues and forces a large user to spend $50.000 a year to hire an IT guy. The world is waiting for a Windows compatible OS like Windows 7 that does NOT come from Microsoft.
- Get rid of IE??? LOL what would you use to install chrome?
- windows 7 is dead, people just have not had the wake yet.
- bill gates does not have a say on the OS design anymore

The cost of the windows OS is only a few percent of my computing cost over the last 5 years. Microsoft is pretty stupid on their cost model for the OS and I like that.

Microsoft has always wanted to make a unified interface, it drives their costs down for development and support.
They merged DOS into a window 3.x system, and into a OS/2 subsystem, then later merged the windows interface to replace the OS/2 PM interface and renamed it to NT and started the series that today is windows. It has always been clear that they intended to merge the windows phone, xbox and the windows interface. They were just not too clever about it.

most 64 bit native code should be faster than the 32 bit code. the 32bit code will be slower on a 64 bit processor because of the various overhead to support the 32 bit code in the sub system. (what 7% to 10 % slower?)

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