Windows 98 Machine


Jan 1, 2017
So I've recently got into retro PC gaming and would like to build the "Ultimate" Windows 98 Machine to play these games on. I plan on playing games from 1995 to 2001 with the inclusion of MS-DOS games at high resolution (although not required). Sure I could just use emulation using virtual machines but I'd have much more fun building a computer. For this build I decided to go with an OEM PC mainly because I already had a computer in hand. I plan on using parts from around 1998 to 2001 to keep it more period accurate. I will list my PC specs down below.

PC - Dell Dimension 4100

CPU - Slot 1 Pentium III clocked at 800 MHz

RAM - 256 MBs of SDRAM

GRAPHICS CARD - Nvidia Riva TNT2 Pro

SOUND CARD - Sound Blaster LIVE with game port

HARD DRIVE - Quantum FireBall CX with 13.4 GBs of storage

OPERATING SYSTEM - Windows 98 Second Edition

With this build I hope to play games at high resolutions and good framrates. I would like to hear from the community what you guys think of my build.
looks like it may be good... the specs look good for 98, maybe down the road get a second hard drive
23gb combined total would probably be good, i have two 98 machines and havent used that much on either.

and i quote:

he is probably not interested in something silent.

yeah, im like that too, nothing like the sound of an old seagate.

I guess it's a geek's version of loud cars.

Old [strike]men[/strike] nerds with greasy [strike]hands[/strike] hair lying under their old [strike]cars[/strike] computers, working hard... lol...

Pretty much, yeah.

Was joking because I too am building a Win98 era gaming rig and have heard that sound loading small games that were stored on floppys.

It's all a matter of preference.
I like perfectly silent and blazing fast hardware the most, and as hardware capable of running W9x is usually low-power, this is feasible pretty much.
Therefore, my W98SE installations use i.e.:
- 65W-octacore (Opteron 8320, 8x 2,5 GHz), passively cooled with a Silverstone NT01-Pro
- on an AM3+ MoBo like the ASRock 970 Pro3 2.0
- a SATA SSD (any 30GB one will do) on port 5 of that MoBo
- a SATA DVD on port 6 of that MoBo
- a passively cooled GPUs like the NVidia 7600 GT 256MB PCIe
- a Realtek 8111B chipset PCIe Gigabit NIC
- a Soundblaster Audigy PCI
- Runs like a charm
- uses less power than a P4 from the old times
- more silent, as in 0dB
- costs less money
- will last longer (as most hardware is newer)
- will run circles around your usual P4 hands down
- Bonus: Does multiboot with XP and Windows 10, so safe browsing is guaranteed, you just hit "reboot" and enter W10

But still to each their own, this is just how i do things.
Cheers, Ragnar G.D.