CPU Use, with NOTHING going on, was running around 25-30% on my Win 10 system...fairly plain jane 4th gen i5, just the Intel graphics. Reasonably new hardware, tho; the box came with 8.1. No hardware should be so old as to give problems. 2 other boxes don't show this problem. This has probably been going on for some time, but not really noticed, as it's on a box I don't use as often.
No programs active...but still showing 25% CPU use. Resource Manager locates it down to netsvcs. UGH. Numerous suggested fixes that don't work. Got down to:
a) disable BITS -- background transfer. Sometimes goes haywire.
b) Windows Update...same thing. Sometimes gets stuck.
BITS stopped cleanly; the Windows update service didn't. Disabled it in services.msc; still showed "stopping" but NOT stopped. Fine; reboot. OK, that happened cleanly enough.
With both BITS and Win Update disabled...CPU use was back to normal. Huzzah for that, at least.
Flaky, flaky Windows.....
No programs active...but still showing 25% CPU use. Resource Manager locates it down to netsvcs. UGH. Numerous suggested fixes that don't work. Got down to:
a) disable BITS -- background transfer. Sometimes goes haywire.
b) Windows Update...same thing. Sometimes gets stuck.
BITS stopped cleanly; the Windows update service didn't. Disabled it in services.msc; still showed "stopping" but NOT stopped. Fine; reboot. OK, that happened cleanly enough.
With both BITS and Win Update disabled...CPU use was back to normal. Huzzah for that, at least.
Flaky, flaky Windows.....