Question Windows Boot Manager Missing After Reinstalling Windows through partition method (windows 10)

Sep 26, 2023
So my pc was freezing and i reinstalled the windows using the disk partition method without usb. After some problems and messing around with chainloader and diskpart commands i was able to install the windows but now i am getting this issue when i start the pc

i have to restart the pc using the power button and constantly spam f11 to get this screen below ( ) ( arsenal gaming one) now when i click on windows boot manager here i am able to get the pc started normally as it should but everytime i start the pc i have to spam f11 to get here, the windows doesent load by default

if i click on enter setup, i go to boot page:
the Fixed boot order priorities looks like this

, UEFI hard disk ubuntu was on top at first and grub windows was coming up then i switched it with ADATA su650 which is my ssd and where windows is installed but after saving changes its not fixing the problem

Also when i click on boot option #1 , the Windows Boot Manager option is missing from the selections available to me.

How do i fix this? Please help me...
Sep 26, 2023
Your install may be completely corrupted at this point and a clean install may be in order.
how is it corrupted bro, i am writing from pc right now and its working the method i told u spam f11 and by clicking on windows boot manager, but windows is not launching my default, i think i messed up settings :(