Windows Corrupted/ WHEA Uncorrectable Error (Nothing works...)

Jan 3, 2019
So i am in a big situation here. Let me start from the beginning, i was playing games on steam and everything was running fine up until i started having a little memory leaks or something i started dropping frames like my screen was freezing every ten seconds or so and then all of a sudden a few minutes later my pc crashes. Now i try to boot it up, it starts booting up i log in and 5 seconds later it crashes. Then i get stuck in a reboot loop and recieve an error message WHEA Uncorrectable Error and then im not able to get into my desktop at all i tried booting safe mode and following every step i possibly can anything i touched having to do with updating windows it crashed in safe mode so safe mode didnt help much then i got to the point where it was hours and hours not being able to reinstall windows or able to repair windows not even able to diagnose it. So i now factory reset everything to and tried to reinstall windows fresh i am at the point now where nothing works i cant even log in it says administrator and the no password works trust me i looked up the issues to this too and nothing worked either.
Now my issue is i cant reinstall windows at all it goes to the point where i start installing windows on my harddrive i format my all my drives fresh wipe and then it starts downloading it then restarts to only load up to say "we've run into a problem" windows was unable to install and WHEA uncorrectable error has popped up again. I tried reinstalling windows so many times but nothing works i can even boot into safe mode at all i can even log in or see my desktops i only get to the blue troublshooting screen i tried opening CMD and running chkdsk and all the other things blah blah blah not even that works.

So one of my friends suggesting
1: Delete windows and install Linux Ubuntu, after that use linux and reinstall windows again
2:install windows 7 or 8 somehow?
3: Buy a new Harddrive
4: Take apart my pc build and rebuild it again
5: I dont wanna do this but go back to my old motherboard/ram/processor

this is my current build as of now
Someone please help me out.
Did you overclock your system? From the error you specified, I am leaning to a hardware problem. I suggest that you check to see if heat is the issue. If heat is not the cause, then I recommend focusing on the power supply first. You can test the power supply by installing another one into your system.
Whea uncorrectable error is most normally a failure of the cpu due to low voltages. Also most normally found in OC.

As is, you've got (sorry) one of the lowest grade psus Evga puts its name on, and it's pushing it to run a Rx480 and i7-8700k on a Z board (OC, really? with a hyper212?) and I'd not be surprised if either any OC was totally unstable or if the psu is giving up the ghost.

Wait so it is the power supply? because i had a B250M before this motherboard and there isnt any heat issues thats a fact i checked in bios but i do think it could be the power supply? this was my old build and every since i upgraded my motherboard/CPU/ and ram i've been having random crashes while playing but i was able to boot it up fine tho but then again when i put it to sleep mode and woke it up the pc reboots do you think it's because of the power supply??
With a BQ, anything is possible, they aren't on anybodys list of shining examples of decent psu.
So yes, it's a possibility.

With your old i5, fps was more limited, demand on the gpu was smaller. Moving up to that i7 has really allowed the gpu to find its limits, it's using more power, and the BQ is Not a gaming rated psu, decent for HP pre-built grandma video surfers, but not the high-instant demands heavy gaming can dictate.

There are other possibilities, like a bad motherboard, if the VRM's are on the fritz, that'll mess with cpu voltages, or even a bent pin during install, but psu is a possibility that's far easier to prove or disprove than a mobo.

So what do you think i should do? buy a new PSU? if it works then problem solved but if it does not work? is it my MOBO? because i never overclocked so not too sure if its hardware and the temp is fine

Didn't your case come with a psu? For temporary purposes, that'd do fine. You'd only have to boot long enough to remove any partitions on c: drive and start windows over fresh. If you still get the same error, then it's not the psu, and you'll need to 'breadboard' to try eliminate any other possibilities, the only way to boil it down to the motherboard being bad.

no my PSU didnt come with my case everything is custom or built everything is separate and i did already formatted all my drives and i tried to install windows right its get to the point when it says windows needs to restart to continue and when it reboots it says "PC ran into a problem" WHEA Uncorrectable error i tried reinstalling windows 5 times nothing worked and this MOBO is only 3 weeks old i just got it