Windows crashed while playing a game, and now it freezes on Windows splash screen.

Lt Mashumaro

Mar 24, 2013
Just last week, I installed a new GPU, PSU, and an additional 8GB of RAM that's identical to what was already in there. I uninstalled the old GPU drivers and did a clean install of the new ones, just to make sure. I'm pretty sure it's not a driver issue. Every time I try to boot up my computer, it gets to the splash screen and completely freezes up. It also freezes up on startup repair, so I had a friend make a Windows 7 repair drive for me. I managed to do a system restore and startup repair and it's still freezing after all that. I've done a power cycle and that didn't help either.

I resorted to trying to reinstall windows, but now the flash drive is locking up on the splash screen. I've restarted my computer countless times, and everything freezes. I'm at a complete loss as to what I should try next because at this point, it's FUBAR. The drive that my OS is installed on is only 2 years old, and it's a SSD so I don't think my drive is failing just yet, or so I hope. Any help at all will be greatly appreciated.
Try installing it on another drive WITH THE SAME USB.

If it's installing fine on other drives, your SSD is on it's way out (I work in Educational IT and see SSD's fail on day ONE like this)

If it's not installing fine, corrupted installation on your USB.

Can you take the RAM out and try to install it from USB to your SSD again?

If it's still happening then there's something about your SSD which isn't giving off a good sign.

Strangely enough, I fixed the problem on my own. I should have updated this as soon as I got it figured out, but I forgot — sorry!

I reseated the RAM, tried each stick individually, and the problem still persisted. The thing that finally solved the freezing issue was removing and reinserting the PCI-e power pins into my GPU. Sort of a strange fix, but it worked. I guess the lesson learned here is to double check your hardware if you've recently installed something new.

Once I fixed the freezing issue, I still had the problem of being stuck in a neverending loop of Startup Repair, which the USB repair disc couldn't fix. It had the error message of "OSVersionMismatch" which, I guess, was because my friend had given me a repair for 7 Ultimate, when I had 7 Home Premium. Apparently there was a fix for being stuck in a startup repair loop, but I couldn't take advantage of it because, I think at least, when I tried installing Ultimate over the top of Home Premium in a last ditch effort to stop the freezing, it froze which potentially corrupted my current version of Home Premium... which in turn couldn't be repaired with the 7 Ultimate disc.

Anyway, I guess the moderators can chalk this one up as solved, because I've successfully managed to reinstall Windows and I haven't had a single lock-up thus far, and it's been about 8 or 9 hours since it's been set up and running.

May have been a bit of dust that's gotten inside the slot.

If that occurs, it probably shorted the connection hence why your computer was struggling to figure out what the the hell is going on.

It's a crazy world inside a computer case....

Anyways, glad you figured it out!

Yeah, I had that happen before. My ram slots were either corroded or dust got between a connection. Pulled out the stick and shoved it back in and it powered up like a boss.