Windows crashes when using different monitor


Jan 1, 2018
I sometimes move my PC to the living room to play games with friends, however often windows will crash and go in a bsod loop averaging 20 seconds after boot. Bsods show multiple errors including MEMORY MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM THREAD NOT HANDELED, and what failed: win32k.sys or something like that. sometimes it doesnt even bluescreen it just freezes and i have to pull the plug. when i put the pc back into my office with 2 monitors it works just fine. the monitors use a converter from vga to hdmi and vga to displayport. tv connected by hdmi. all my drivers are updated to the latest version today. help!
OK it has been some time with no issues, so I have decided to conclude this conflict. Thank you to those who helped me fix this problem that has been pestering me for a very long time.

In summary, the fix:
1. Follow the guide at to enable verifier
2. After bsod, boot into safe mode and use Blue Screen View to see which driver failed, Download BSV here:
3. Uninstall faulty drivers in device manager
4. Restart PC in normal mode and repeat steps 2-3 until there are no more bsods. use "verifier /reset" in cmd and restart to set...
One would think it has to be the display drivers. What GPU does it have? Try running DDU in safe mode, remove the gpu drivers and reinstall latest -

Can you follow option one on the following link - here
and then do this step below: Small memory dumps - Have Windows Create a Small Memory Dump (Minidump) on BSOD

that creates a file in c windows/minidump after the next BSOD
copy that file to documents
upload the copy from documents to a file sharing web site, and share the link here and I will get someone to convert file into a format I can read
Problem has escalated, do not have much time to type this before next bsod, done DDU uninstall twice, first time installed nvidia drivers, 2nd time did not. pc still bsoding with same errors in constant loop. new error labeled "critical process died" never seen before. must be drivers other than graphics card or a system component itself.

here is dump link

I can now say that my PC has bsod'ed in normal windows, safemode and safemode networking and WHILE IN THE MIDDLE OF A SYSTEM RESET. no bsod in bios (I would assume it is impossible to happen in motherboard BiOS because it is not connected to windows) My pc has just restarted from the bsod during system reset (keep personal files selected) and no bsod yet but it has only been a few minutes. only default drivers from windows for my graphics card has been installed.
Hi, I hope you got it fixed. If not, Colif asked me to take a look just in case. This info can be used by others to help you. I ran the dump file through the debugger and got the following information:

File: 011019-8515-01.dmp (Jan 10 2019 - 14:44:26)
Probably caused by: memory_corruption (Process: System)
Uptime: 0 Day(s), 0 Hour(s), 08 Min(s), and 54 Sec(s)

I guess you already got the BIOS update as stated. You had BIOS version 4.7 when the dump file was created.

If you have more crashes, upload the new dump files. Good luck.
Ok proplem was not fixed. i followed this guide to find the driver
i was able to find 4 drivers causing issues, however the 5th (and most likely final) driver was RzDev_005c.sys and i have absolutely no idea what driver this is or where to find it. The ntoskrnl.exe error just indicates that there is a faulty driver. Here is the dump file
I have disabled the verifier and am running in normal windows to see if the driver will even cause an issue.
The ntoskrnl.exe file is the main Windows "executable" that "runs" Windows. It's not the problem, but Windows might blame it when it can't find the real problem.

I would have to agree that if you are crashing in safe mode, the problem isn't drivers or software, but a hardware issue. In safe mode, 3rd party drivers and software are not loaded.

The last dump file you uploaded did blame a driver, the Razor one. Full dump info can be found here:

File: 011019-6734-01.dmp (Jan 10 2019 - 18:54:49)
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for RzDev_005c.sys
Probably caused by: RzDev_005c.sys (Process: System)
Uptime: 0 Day(s), 0 Hour(s), 00 Min(s), and 17 Sec(s)

but I wouldn't worry about that. I would keep testing in Safe mode until you have a stable enough system for normal mode. You were not in safe mode when this crash happened because the Razer driver wouldn't be loaded in safe mode. Once the BSODs are fixed in safe mode, then worry about driver issues (if you have any).

I would do some hardware testing. Start with memtest86. Follow the instructions. Download it, place it on bootable media (flash drive or disc) and run it for at least 8 passes on each RAM module. This will take a while. If you have multiple RAM modules, take them all out and test only 1 at a time in the first slot.
OK system seems stable now, i did not uninstall razer drivers and no issues yet, has been several hours now, i think the razer driver only causes a problem while using driver verifier. I am going to wait a few days to see if the issue is truly resolved.
It did end up bsoding again so i uninstalled everything razer and tried verifier again and it booted into windows with no bsod. now verifier is off and windows in normal mode and i believe there wont be any more problems.
OK it has been some time with no issues, so I have decided to conclude this conflict. Thank you to those who helped me fix this problem that has been pestering me for a very long time.

In summary, the fix:
1. Follow the guide at to enable verifier
2. After bsod, boot into safe mode and use Blue Screen View to see which driver failed, Download BSV here:
3. Uninstall faulty drivers in device manager
4. Restart PC in normal mode and repeat steps 2-3 until there are no more bsods. use "verifier /reset" in cmd and restart to set everything back to normal.

I am not sure if a mod can select this as the answer but if any of you contributors would like to copy and paste into a new answer feel free and I will select as the answer. Thanks again!