Windows Defender Sandbox Remains Disabled If You Shut Down Your PC

Armasu non-article... ACTIVATE!

Right now, to enable the sandbox feature for Windows Defender in the latest Windows Insiders preview build, you would have to create a system environment variable called "MP_FORCE_USE_SANDBOX" and set its value to 1.
It's a new feature that is not even on by default yet, even on the bleeding edge releases. You think... you think it might have bugs? Why not go snag some alpha builds of other software and see if you can't find bugs? Oh man, think of all the "news" articles you could write!

I agree. This is just a bug related to someone trying to force the sandbox feature on and the fast startup function. I bet if you disable the fast startup function, it would work fine.

I hope that MS gives this better testing than they did with their last slow-track update and actually read the posts insiders post to the feedback log, which they seem to do only part of the time...( coming from someone who lost files with the recent update bug ).