Windows Experience Index


Dec 21, 2013
Windows 7 gave me a lousy 5.1 for my Intel i5 3rd Generation Processor, Why???
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30GHz
But on my sisters laptop, the same as mine TOSHIBA SATELLITE L755 the experience index gave her a 6.9!!!!!
it depends on memory; integrated graphics; gaming graphics and hard disk too!!!!
well you can screw up with registry to get '7' and you can change the processors name to
have fun ;p

he said that he got 5.1 specifically for the processor, not the final ranting. That cpu should get him between about 6.9 and 7.2

download "prime95", "cpu-z" and "hwinfo"
open cpu-z. it will show you the current frequency of the processor
run hwinfo, it will tell you the current temperatures

run prime95, choose "smallfft" and press ok. this will put maximum load on your cpu.
let it run for about 15 minutes and look for cpu throttling. cpu throttling is when the cpu underclocks. (while prime95 is running, the cpu should not go too much under 2.3ghz in cpu-z.)
open hwinfo after about 14 minutes into the test and make a screenshot.
close all the programs (some go to tray so close them there)
upload the screenshot to timypic and post it here


looks like your cpu is stuck at 800mhz.i think your cpu is being throttled down to 800mhz because its overheating or maybe the maximum frequency in your power plan is set to 5% do the same test with core temp open and screenshot it. when you upload, dont resize

ok, will do

can you repeat the test and see if your processor goes below 2280mhz.
usr small fft in prime95
in your first test, the cpu throttled to 800mhz.


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