Windows freezes on logo screen


Jul 4, 2008
I've been having this issue and have been unable to fix it so far. I can get into my computer in safe mode but have not been able to get on normally without it freezing on the windows logo screen. I tried running various tests which have failed and even reinstalled windows (upgraded so I wouldnt lose data) but that failed as well. System repair doesnt work either. I have no idea what could be wrong.
I downloaded the boot disk but some programed popped up which asked for windows installer files and it could not locate them even with the windows cd.

My question is how could it be a hardware problem if it runs perfect in safe mode and freezes when loading windows normally?

I have used AVG's tools to check for problems and any viruses which did not fix the problem. It also checks for registry errors so should I still try the RegInOut System Utilities program?
