Windows from HDD to SSD


Dec 29, 2014
i have an ssd and i want to install it on my computer put only problem is how do i get windows 8.1 on it and how can i get all programs and other things on the ssd ?? And what should i put on my SSD and HDD

1. 60GB is right at the edge of 'too small'. Yes, it will work, mostly. But you'll really be chasing free space on that drive. For an SSD, you need to keep 10-15% free, so that reduces your actual usable space to around 50GB.

A current Win 8.1 install weighs in at around 30-35GB once all the updates...
Questions first:

1. What size is the new SSD?
2. How much data, total, is on the current HDD?
3. How old is the current install? Does everything work to your satisfaction?

There are two options: Migration from old drive to new, or a clean install on the new SSD.

1. The new ssd is 60GB
2. Currenly i have 148GB but it has bunch of random files from many installations
3. The current Windows 8.1 Pro install is like 2 days old

1. 60GB is right at the edge of 'too small'. Yes, it will work, mostly. But you'll really be chasing free space on that drive. For an SSD, you need to keep 10-15% free, so that reduces your actual usable space to around 50GB.

A current Win 8.1 install weighs in at around 30-35GB once all the updates are done. Win 7 around 40-45GB.
So with nothing else installed, you're already bumping up against that size limit.

Since it is only 2 days old, I'd just start over.
Remove all drives except the new SSD, and reinstall the OS.

If you wanted to migrate, you'd have to pare down that current install to 50GB or smaller. Much easier/faster to just start over.
I was think same of just reinstalling windows on the ssd when hdd is removed

60GB is just about big enough for ONLY your win 8 install.. (a clean install of Win 8 will be smaller - but you need give it room to grow).
So you need removal all other software so you only have Win 8 on your current drive..
Then clone your WIn 8 to the SSD (use something like Macrim reflect if you want a free tool.. but most SSD are supplied with a tool to do it).
Then clean up your HDD and put your old files back.

Of course.. if these extra files are stand alone (e.g. films, word docs etc) then that is fine.. but if they include software (e.g. your office programme files), they will need to be resinatalled.

Above is a quick summary.. but gives you a flavour.. you don't say exactly what the 'random files from many installations" are.. so it hard to be specific.

But when i connect my HDD to my computer will it start to be like dual boot or boot direvtly to ssd


After you install the OS on the SSD, go into the BIOS and change the boot order as needed.
Remove the HDD from the boot order, and put the SSD first.
Now i can install my windows 8.1 pro

KINGSTON V300 120GB SSD SATA 2.5" SV300S37A/120G is that a good ssd beacuse i have not yet bought my ssd and what files should i put on this 120GB ssd games media programs ??

Do not buy that particular SSD. That model has issues.
Yes, it is generally cheaper than other drives of the same size. It is cheaper for a reason.
the 60GB ssd is CORSAIR SSD Force LS 60GB SATA3 CSSD-F60GBLS if thats same way issues then what ssd would you reccomend


As said earlier, 60GB is right on the edge of 'too small'.
What would I recommend? Samsung 850 EVO 120GB, or Crucial MX100 120GB.
The Samsung 850 EVO 120GB is avable in my computer shop but the Crucial MX100 120GB not. is Crucial BX100 120GB good ???


The BX100 is also good. Newer version of the MX100.
Going to buy the Samsung 850 Evo 120GB as it is only a little bit expensive


There ya go.