Windows having trouble booting with GTX 760


Nov 24, 2014
Hey I recently finished my build and everything should work together however I'm having increasing problems with my computer.

My Build:
AMD FX-6300 Processor
8GB of Ram (G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series)
Evga 750W G2 Power Supply
Evga GTX 760 4GB Graphics Card
GIGABYTE GA-78LMT Motherboard
Also have 1TB HDD, 156GB SSD, and DVD optical drive

My Problem:
When I initially attempted to start (after installing drivers) my computer I was having issues with the graphics card, which would crash and then recover. Upon having this problem I took to the web in search of solutions. I have since accomplished my goal and avoided this problem; however less than 24 hours later I began having another issue altogether. I boot my computer and it will either fail to launch windows or launch windows and display a blank screen. After either of these events my computer will attempt to reboot itself and I'm faced with a windows recovery page. Most of the time my computer will end up showing me my desktop (after about 6-10 restarts). Once I'm on my desktop my computer runs completely normal and I have no issues as long as the computer remains on. Upon restart I face the same problems. Any Ideas as to why or possible troubleshooting help?

Side Note: I see a lot of people with graphics card issues being told its there psu, but I don't understand how my psu could be causing this. So if you're going to say its my psu can you elaborate please. :)

Thank you in advance
Uninstall the latest drivers with DDU driver unistaller follow the instructions don't update it go to safemode when it tells you uninstall restart and download latest drivers

That is how I solved the initial problem of the graphics card constantly crashing, but I'm still having issues. Will doing that again really get me anywhere?
I did what you suggested but continued to have problems. After consulting a 3rd party it was determined I have a faulty graphics card, but thank you for the help

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