Windows Installer Error:Access Denied!


Sep 8, 2013
Error after trying to install something: "The Windows Installer service could not be accessed. This can occur if the windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assistance."

I can't even install ALL of my windows updates: Error 641 from windows updater.

I've had this problem for quite a few months now and just when I buy a game to play with my friends (DayZ) I try to install the software required to play the game and this thing just won't go away!

What I've tried for help:

Can't install Scrolls "Windows Installer can't be accessed"*FIXED* - Support - Scrolls - Scrolls Fans Forums - Scrolls Fans

How to Fix "The Windows Installer service could not be accessed" Error - Help Desk Geek

"The Windows Installer service could not be accessed" error message when you try to install Office

"The Windows Installer Service Could Not Be Accessed" error message when you install a program in Windows XP

Error "The Windows Installer Service Could Not Be Accessed" when installing or updating programs on Windows 7 or Windows Vista

I would really appreciate it if someone could help me fix this problem and find a way to get rid of this(oh and yes my Windows 7 is legit

I've even done the Net Start run command - imgur: the simple image sharer - That is the error I get after trying to do it.
Stop Windows Installer service with the help of services manager as follows:

1. Click Start, type "services.msc" & press ENTER.
2. Scroll down.
3. Right click "Windows Installer" and select Properties.
4. Click Stop.
5. Select "Disabled" option.
6. Click OK.

One more important thing is Windows Installer serttings. You'll have to scan the settings and fix them with this utility. Reboot the machine.