Windows Kernel-Power Error on New PC.


Jan 14, 2012
I just built a new computer about 2 weeks ago, and everything seemed fine until recently. I started getting "Kernel-Power" errors, usually when I play Star Wars, the old republic, there is no BSoD instead what happens is that I am doing everything normally, and suddenly i get this streak of multicolored pixels across a black screen and the pc restarts.

My Computer specs are:
500w Corsair PSU.
Sapphire Radeon 6850
OCZ 60gb SSD
16gb ripjaws DDR3
Asus P8Z68-V LE mobo.

I have the latest bios on my motherboard, Microsoft Security essentials returns clean, no minidump is created even though I have it on.

Also I'm running Prime95 on my pc right now and have been for the past hour, but I can't recreate the error that way.

Thanks for your time.
I made sure to install all the latest drivers,

this is still happening.

Usually what it looks like is everything working fine, then suddenly I get a streak of multicoloured pixels accross the screen and the pc restarts.