Windows Laptop Suggestions


Aug 27, 2013
Hello, i have started saving for a laptop for college and its a pain in teh arse. Theres is so many and so many companies over pricing and so many bad reviews. I really dont know which one to aim for because theres always something horribly wrong or theyre incredibly expensive. I just want a nediun priced laptop £400-£500 in which is capable of running pretty much everything i throw at it. Obviously not gaming, i will not be using the device for that.

thanks for all your help
I will need to know more about how you use the laptop. Here are some examples of what I mean. Obviously if all you are going to do is surf the web and take notes then a chromebook will be enough unless you hate google or chrome os.
Do you use it for image or video editing?
Do you use it for 3d cad?
Do you use it for programming?