Windows loading Issue. Possible dead graphics card?


Jul 9, 2017
A couple days ago my pc randomly crashed while i was playing a game. when i tried to reboot it it would begin to load windows then the output to my monitor would stop but the computer would continue to run.

I reinstalled windows after wiping the hard drive. At this point it loads to the desktop. now is where i find the issues for the graphics card. When i tried to install the drivers it come back with a "bad image error". I went to the device manager and the graphics card does show up only the integrated graphics card. However when i go into safe mode it shows up but doesn't let me install the driver.

I'm not sure what else to do or if maybe the graphics card went bad.

If you happen to have a spare card laying around you could try slappin it in and see what happens. That card is fairly old and there is a chance it is dying