Windows loading screen showing on both screens


Dec 20, 2011
Afternoon peeps

This has been bugging me since i saw it and i need to know how its done.

if you watch the youtube video >

You will see that it shows the boot screen on both screens.

Does anyone know how to do this as the minute i saw it i wanted it. :bounce:


I had a dual screen setup with a nvidia card & only got the "Windows loading" on 1 screen. I now have an ATI with dual screens & both screens show the loading until the ATI drivers get loaded.
I second clarkjdm - went from a 9600GT to a 6870 two weeks ago and now get the loading screen on both monitors

I have an nvidia 7600gs (old card) at work with dual monitors and it shows the same on both monitors until drivers are loaded.

thanks for info.

So if its a AMD/ATI thing then I am screwed. However if someone has it on a 7600gs then I am confuddled.

If its not easy to setup then I will just leave it.

Cheers Everyone.


Once the drivers for the graphics card is loaded and windows is fully booted, the default is for the display to be the same on both the monitors. You have to make changes to the properties to get different information on the different monitors.

When you have installed the NVIDIA drivers, It should include a "properties" page to change the settings.