WinMe is slower than Win98SE. I ran benchmarks using both on my system but I can't say that the difference is all that significant or noticeable. WinMe is more stable and has better driver support so it works better for me. If you are not having stability or driver problems, it is not worth the upgrade. If you do upgrade, disable the system restore feature which is next to useless anyway.
To disable system restore go to:
Control Panel-->System-->Performance-->File System...-->Troubleshooting.
At the bottom, click the check box: Disable System Restore.
See my post "Definitely Disable Restore" in this forum. I automated deleting the _Restore directory with a batch file I just called rest.bat. You can create a batch file using notepad, just make sure the file name takes the form *.bat to specify it as a batch file. You have to disable system restore first and you have to use the recovery disk and run the batch file from DOS.
If you upgrade one of your drivers such as for the video card, the _Restore directory reappears. After you have deleted it in DOS once before, you can simply delete the re-creation in Window Explorer. However, this brings up the point that you never completely disable the system restore function.
<i>Its not fun AFTER you have fragged everyone.</i> 😎 James